Thursday, April 22, 2010

FreeOCR OCR Software V3.0

فری اوسی آر سافٹ ویرٗ
 v 3.0
FreeOCR OCR Software V3.0 / RS / 5 MB

Free OCR is a scanner and OCR program including the Windows compiled Tesseract free ocr engine also known as a Tesseract GUI. It includes a Windows installer and It is very simple to use and supports opening multi-page tiff's, Adobe PDF and fax documents as well as most image types including compressed Tiff's which the Tesseract engine on its own cannot read .It now can scan using Twain and WIA scanning drivers.
FreeOCR is freeware and you can do what you like with it including commercial use. The included Tesseract free OCR engine is distributed under the Apache V2.0 license.

Operating System
Recommended Minimum Specification
Windows 2000
Windows 2003
Windows XP 32 bit
Windows Vista (all editions)
Windiws 7 (all)
Pentium Processor - 200MHz
256 MB Memory (RAM)
10MB Free Disk Space
SVGA Resolution Display
.Net Framework 2.0 or higher

To scan you will need a desktop scanner that uses Twain or WIA compatible scanning drivers. FreeOCR requires the .Net Framework V2.0 from Microsoft. If you do not have this installed then the FreeOCR installer will automatically scan detect & download this for you.

Please note that the Tesseract OCR engine requires images at a resolution of 200 dpi or greater and as such it is not suited for reading PC screen shots which are only about 72dpi although we have made some enhancements in V2.3 which will produce better accuracy from low quality image sources. For best results scan at 300 dpi greyscale.
Scanned PDF's

The PDF open button can open and render scanned PDF (Adobe Acrobat Documents) but is not designed to open complicated PDF's that contain text and images, after all there should be no need to OCR these PDF's as they contain text anyway and you can just select the text within Adobe reader.

The OCR PDF rendering in FreeOCR does not need any 3rd party software installed like Ghostscript or Adobe Acrobat to function and works only with PDF spec v1.6 documents.


  1. yar its my project could u help me to develop it?

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